Well, where should I start.
- I'm nearly 20 weeks pregnant. We're getting excited about finding out the gender and learning (we hope) that all is healthy with the little peanut.
- Jasper is growing every day, both physically and cognitively. He amazes us more and more all the time. He has been communicating with us on some level for about a year now with sign language and then some words, but his verbal skills are really taking off. He is making sentences, repeating things and saying words I didn't realize he knew all the time!
- Some of Jasper's favorite things include: boxed raisins, his puppy dog, books, toy cars, trucks & trains, big buses on the road, going on walks in the stroller with his friends, playing in water, and pretending to ride "horsey" on just about anything he can straddle.
- He does not like getting his diaper changed, getting dressed, any vegetable other than avocado, or being told "no."