Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rockin' and Rollin'

At nearly 4 1/2 months Jasper is discovering new ways to move every day. He's still not mobile, of course, but I see very clearly that it is only a matter of time!

He is now rolling over onto his stomach multiple times each night. After a little time on the tummy, though, he gets quite frustrated because he hasn't quite mastered the reverse roll. So, he starts a cranky shriek that tells us we need to go flip him. At first I was worried about him sleeping on his stomach, but it has become very clear that none of us will be getting any sleep when he's on his tummy.

Of course, with the rolling, this boy is moving around in his crib even more. We used to think it was funny when we'd find him in there with his legs kicked up on the side and him just snoozing. Now, it's kind of hard to surprise us. He's often on his side, his tummy, kicking the footboard, hanging on to the bars or reaching through them, or just plain on the other end of the crib than we laid him.

This morning we found him with his sleep sack on completely backwards -- and one arm through. We have no explanation other than there must have been a few rolls involved in getting the thing turned around.

He's also discovered some of the best new toys ever invented: feet. He loves grabbing at his feet or his pant legs. This can make a diaper change quite a challenge. I remember when Lily was about six months old I was amazed at how she could put her feet in her mouth. Now I see that it's just another thing to discover.

A few updates as well: Our new medicine seems to be helping our excessive spit up problem. We're still hoping it helps the snore-like breathing as well. He is also napping quite well. His morning naps are becoming more organized and longer (he used to sleep for 45 minute on the dot). He is also seeming to welcome the naps with less resistance than before. Yeah! All and all, I'd say we're doing quite well.

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