Have you ever received a gift and then six months later realized you never sent a proper thank-you card? That's how I feel about this blog. It's there, I know it's there, I've been neglecting it, and the longer I don't touch it, the harder it gets to even think about it.
Deep breath in. Cleansing breath out. This is me releasing the guilt.
It's not as if you don't know what's going on. Most of you who stop by here are probably aware to some degree of the insanity that is our family's life. A 2 1/2 year old known as The Boy who's got the kind of independent streak that I can only pray will one day lead us to look back 40 years from now and think, "You know, it would have been hard to be this successful without being a strong-willed child." A nearly 5-month-old (The Bug) who is as sweet as can be with a smile that should be copyrighted, but, alas, we all have our faults and his seems to be spit up and skin problems. And waking several times during the night, but seriously, it seems to not be bothering anyone but me, so that counts it as a non-problem, right?
And the hubs. How do I love thee? He's got a new (but still crazy) work schedule. The upside is that we see him for dinner more nights. The downside is that now even if The Bug doesn't wake me at 4:30 am, my husband will.
We just watched "The Social Network," which I am happy to report that I have hit the point in my life where seeing a young college kid making a gazillion dollars doesn't bother me. I'm mature enough to acknowledge that I didn't just miss that boat because I wasn't in the right place at the right time. What I did take away from the movie was an amazing line about how Facebook is never done. Mark Zuckerberg's character says something like this: "It's like fashion, it's never finished."
This, my friends, is life. Well, you know, it will be finished one day, but until then, it's one wild ride. I keep thinking I'll have more time to do something another day. You know the excuse, "I was going to blah, blah, blah, but then the day just got too crazy." Well, in my world, they're all crazy. And probably not any more than any other mother's, but I manage the complaint department of my life, and some days no one will get the employee-of-the-month honor.
So today I'll use the excuse that I wrote this blog post, which is why I didn't get laundry or dinner started during naptime. Or why the living room still looks like a hurricane blew the toddler aisle of Toys R' Us right into my house. And yesterday I did this blog post, so that's what ate up that afternoon.
Life is a moving target, and if I don't get off my rear soon, I will either fall asleep or miss the opportunity to make chocolate brownies. Hey, at least I could savor a brownie while toys whiz by my head and still be considered a "fit" mom. Right?
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